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The HP Palmtop Family

In production: 1991-1999


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The HP 100LX was the successor to the HP 95LX. It boosted the CPU to an Intel 80186 running at 8MHz. The applications, including the System Manager shell, were dramatically improved and the screen went from text mode to graphics mode. A special bit-blitter chip accelerated the graphics screen to bring the apparent speed of the new machine up to that of the 95LX. The applications were enhanced with a customizable database engine that powered several of the built in applications such as PhoneBook, Appointment Book, NoteTaker and World Time. It used MS-DOS 5.0, the last ROMable version of DOS, as the operating system. Its built in DataComm program was enhanced with the addition of Lotus cc:Mail Remote. The additional programs were all contained in 2 MBytes of ROM. The first 100LX's came with 1Mbyte of RAM. This was later increased to 2MBytes. The PC Card slot was upgraded to handle Type 2 cards. The serial port was more standard in its operation than that of the 95LX. However the Infra Red port was obsolete by the new standards for IR sending and receiving.
